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Quote from Frasier in Frasier's Edge

Dr. Tewksbury: As you know, men in our society commonly define themselves by their careers.
Frasier: Yes, I'll cop to that. In fact, there's nothing I'm more proud of than my career. It's because I love to help people, I always have.
Dr. Tewksbury: All right, refresh my memory. Wasn't it your mother who first sparked your interest in psychiatry?
Frasier: Yes, it was. I remember the exact day. I was eight. I'd come home crying because one of the older boys had thrown my copy of "The Fountainhead" under a bus. My mother explained to me it wasn't because he didn't like the way I walked or because I wore an ascot to school. It was because he didn't like himself. And at that very moment, I became a student of human behavior. It was as if someone had given me an instruction manual explaining why people acted the way they did.
Dr. Tewksbury: Not to mention a way to distance yourself from painful emotions.
Frasier: Oh, totally. I took a lot of grief for that ascot.

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