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Quote from Niles in Chess Pains

Niles: Well, I took to heart Daphne's suggestion the other day about a need for companionship since my separation from Maris, so I went out and got a new lady in my life. I can't explain it. I'm not a dog person, but there's something about this particular breed that I find comforting and familiar. It's mystifying, isn't it?
Frasier: Mmm, baffling.
Niles: I-I happened into my local pet shop. I had no intention of buying anything, I was merely browsing, and they showed me some overly demonstrative puppies. Then I heard a haughty little sniff from a cage in the corner, and there she was! Sit, Girl, sit! [Girl doesn't move] Okay. She's, uh, she's a bit high strung, but, uh, she's terribly well-bred. When I tried to pet her, she'd have none of it.
Frasier: Well, I'm surprised she wasn't snapped up before you got there.
Niles: Yes, well. You know, the man at the pet store said it's because people are reluctant to take responsibility for her nerve medicine. No, not on the couch. Off, off! [Girl doesn't move] Okay.

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