Amy Quote #73
Quote from Amy in The Faux Pas
Marie: I just feel horrible. For a custodian to see all this mess. I think I'll straighten up.
Amy: [enters] Hey. Chris and his dad are outside and he asked me to get his keys for him. It seemed like he didn't want to come back inside.
Robert: I don't blame him. It was kind of a nightmare.
Amy: Oh, yeah? Did your mother come over and make things worse as usual?
[Behind Amy, Marie pushes aside the door and glares at her]
Everybody Loves Raymond Quotes
‘The Faux Pas’ Quotes
Quote from Robert
Ray: Well, how about the time you arrested the guy for flashing gang signs, huh? And you started reading him his rights, but he just kept flashing gang signs, making you madder and madder. He wasn't breaking the law, was he, Robert?
Robert: No.
Ray: What was he doing?
Robert: He was being deaf.
Frank: [laughs] Holy crap.
Ray: Fee-fi-faux-pas!
Robert: Oh, God, I still remember. [signs and speaks] I'm so, so, sorry.
Quote from Marie
Frank: Marie, what's the story with the cannelloni?
Marie: It's ready.
Frank: Let's go. Who's this?
Debra: This is Chris' dad George.
Frank: The janitor? Marie, you said he was black. [all gasp]
Marie: No, I didn't!
Frank: What are you talking about? You said-
Marie: No, I said he was African-American! [all gasp]
Frank: Okay. What are you arguing for?
Marie: I apologize, George. It's just, well... Well, l... You know, I think it's wonderful that anyone can be a janitor now.
Quote from Ray
Ray: Let him stay. They should stay. They're having a fantastic time. In fact, this is better 'cause you guys can just sit down and get to know each other better. Yeah, yeah. Just sit. Sit, sit, sit. Sit. Sit. Sit. Sit down. Down.
Debra: What are you doing?
Ray: No, they have a lot in common, these guys.
Robert: We do?
Ray: Sure. Sure. I just think it's so interesting, you know? One of you keeps the schools clean, and one of you keeps the streets clean. You know? Metaphorically. But the main thing is, should one of you start to slack off... Wow! There's a mess.
Debra: Ray, what are you doing?
Ray: I'm talking to the backbone of America.