Debra Quote #421
Quote from Debra in The Breakup Tape
Debra: Come on, Ray, you kept it. You took it out of the answering machine, you labeled it, and you placed it in a box along with a bunch of lame foosball trophies.
Ray: Lame? I was playing at a level that you will never understand.
Debra: And I noticed you took the time to pop out the tabs, which you neglected to do with our wedding video.
Everybody Loves Raymond Quotes
‘The Breakup Tape’ Quotes
Quote from Frank
Frank: I gotta tell ya, breaking up on the answering machine is the way to go. If those things were around in my day, I wouldn't have had to move so much.
Debra: But nobody thinks it's odd that someone would keep a tape like this?
Frank: I'll tell you what it is, it's dumb. You should get rid of all evidence of the past.
Marie: I kept everything from my past relationships.
Frank: She had to. It's tough to throw out a cave painting.
Quote from Ray
Debra: Ray, I really don't remember. None of these guys mean anything to me now.
Ray: What other gifts do you have?
Debra: I don't know. Um, the pepper grinder.
Ray: The pepper grinder? Our pepper grinder? The grinder I pepper my food with?
Quote from Debra
Debra: Hey, Ray, I was cleaning out the basement and- By the way, did you know your family's downstairs?
Ray: Why do you think I'm upstairs?
Debra: Why do you think I'm cleaning out the basement? Anyway, I was down there, and I came across a box of your old trophies.
Ray: What, my foosball trophies?
Debra: No, your Nobel prizes.