Frank Quote #641

Quote from Frank in Robert Needs Money

Marie: Oh, if you need a vacation, Robbie, you know where I always wanted to go? Hershey, Pennsylvania. We could watch them make chocolate.
Frank: Yeah, you're gonna watch.


 ‘Robert Needs Money’ Quotes

Quote from Debra

Ray: He said it's gonna take more than an apology. He said talk is cheap.
Debra: Oh. Well, what are you gonna do?
Ray: I don't know. I think he'd like it if I spent more time with him.
Debra: Yeah, that would be good.
Ray: He's thinking of, like, six days in Vegas.
Debra: What?
Ray: That's what he said. Yeah. I told him, "No way. I don't wanna go." He got this hurt look on his face, and then he turned his back to me, and I think he was crying 'cause he did one of those... [gasps for air] I don't know. I felt so bad. I don't know what I'm gonna do.
Debra: I think maybe it's a good idea.
Ray: Yeah? You think?
Debra: Yeah. I think you should go. And when you get there, see what the odds are of me being here when you get back.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Robert, I'm sorry, all right? I guess I reacted badly because, I don't know, I was kind of shocked. I didn't mean to imply that you're not my brother or that I don't want you to be my brother. You're my brother, okay?
Robert: Thank you, Raymond. That means a lot to me. I think I understand now where you're coming from.
Ray: Good. Good.
Robert: I'm gonna go pack.
Ray: Wait, wait, wait! You're still going?
Robert: What do you mean? You just apologized.
Ray: I apologized for saying you're not my brother, but why would I apologize for you taking my money and going to Vegas with it?
Robert: Because you realize that only a heartless dictator, or Mom, would tell people how to live their lives.
Ray: You're calling me a heartless dictator... or Mom?!

Quote from Robert

Ray: It's worth $1,000 not to hear any of your crap again.
Robert: My crap is true!
Ray: What is it, huh? It's like you wanna take my money 'cause you think I don't even deserve it in the first place. [Robert is silent] Oh, my God. You do think that. You do think that! Gimme my check back!
Robert: I didn't say that!
Ray: You didn't not say it.
Robert: Oh, come on, Raymond, be honest. You're telling me that luck hasn't played a small role in your life?
Ray: What? Where? What? How am I luckier than you?
Robert: Look at me! Look how I'm living, look how I eat! Bologna and orange juice, like an animal! Why do you think I have to go to Vegas? Because I'm not lucky, Raymond. I need a break from my life!