Ray Quote #1036

Quote from Ray in The Walk to the Door

Debra: Would you stop calling it the incident? It wasn't an incident! The Cuban Missile Crisis was an incident. My God, if you are this insane about not walking a girl to the door, how do you feel about what you do to me?
Ray: What I do to you?
Debra: You do jerky things all the time. Things you should really regret.
Ray: Oh, yeah, like what?
Debra: Where do you want me to start?
Robert: At the beginning. Take your time.
Debra: How about not walking me to the car when I was in labor with the twins, Ray? How about that incident?
Ray: I had to make a sandwich, I hate hospital food.


 ‘The Walk to the Door’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Debra: Regret, please?
Ray: Okay. All right. I regret not loving you more. Yes. Yes, you deserve all the love that can fit in the ocean.
Frank: [laughs] Oh, man!
Marie: I thought that was beautiful, Frank. Why can't you say something like that?
Frank: All right. [clears throat] I would love it if you were in the ocean.

Quote from Frank

Frank: When are we gonna get there?
Ray: I told you to go before we leave. Stop kicking the back of my seat!
Marie: Ignore him. He just doesn't like weddings.
Frank: I had a bad experience once.

Quote from Marie

Marie: Funny. Talking about regrets. I've got regrets. [Ray and Debra look away] Probably too many regrets to mention.
Frank: Okay then.
Marie: I- I've I've done things that I just feel terrible about to all of you.
Ray: All right, Ma.
Debra: Wait, let her speak.
Marie: Like to you, Debra. I've always regretted not being more nurturing to you when you first started out as a wife and a mother. Honey, I'm sorry.
Debra: Oh, Marie. That's nice.
Marie: Because now, at this point, what can I do?
Debra: It must feel good to get that off your chest.
Marie: Yeah, it does feel good.