Ray Quote #664

Quote from Ray in Ray Home Alone

Robert: You know in those days when I was running information to Dad, I think the guilt was the cause of my occasional bedwetting.
Ray: All right, look, whatever. It was a long time ago.
Robert: Yeah, but it was wrong. We were suppose to stick together, right? I mean, we're brothers. Brothers do those kind of things. Not good ones.
Ray: All right, listen! I gotta tell you something! You never wet your bed. I used to... I used to wait until you fell asleep and then I'd pour a glass of water in there with you.
Robert: What?!
Marie: What?! [Frank chuckles]
Ray: Well, I... I didn't want to always look like a baby, you know? Calling for Mom when I was scared. I knew that she would come if you wet your bed.
Marie: I always wondered why I was up by your shoulders.


 ‘Ray Home Alone’ Quotes

Quote from Frank

Frank: Personally, I like leprechauns.
Ray: What?
Frank: Leprechauns. Cute harmless little Irish guys. And whenever I'd tell you guys a story, I'd throw in a couple of leprechauns to scare the bejesus outta you. [Irish accent] Hey, Ray? How did I know little Raymond was afraid of leprechauns?
Ray: I don't know.
Frank: Any ideas, Robert?
Robert: Oh, Dad, don't start pointing fingers, okay? That's not gonna work. Right, Ray?
Ray: That's right. How did he know about the leprechauns?
Robert: I don't know. It wasn't me. Maybe it was Ma.
Marie: I don't know anything about that. All I know is I couldn't serve you Lucky Charms.
Frank: [giggles; Irish accent] He was me little spy.

Quote from Marie

Marie: What are you talking about?
Robert: Ray's scared.
Ray: Hey, you're the one who's scared!
Marie: What do you mean? You sick? You in trouble? Someone bullying you?
Robert: No, Ma.
Marie: Then what is it? What are you scared of?
Robert: Being alone.
Marie: You mean for the rest of your life?
Robert: No, but thanks for bringing up that possibility.

Quote from Robert

Ray: You told him!
Robert: Oh, all right. Yes, I did. I told him.
Marie: Robert! Why would you do that?
Robert: I liked when he told us the stories but I didn't want to get scared. And I had no problem with leprechauns.
Ray: Oh, great! So you could sleep and I could stay up all night waiting for those little monsters to come and take me to their nest.
Robert: Nest?
Ray: That's right, nest!
Robert: Listen, I'm sorry, okay? Don't think I didn't hate myself for it. Don't forget. At that time I thought you might be half-spider.