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Quote from Frank in Thank You Notes

Ray: Debra, she saw what happened with Amy and Mom and the thank-you notes, and she got Amy to join forces with her, and now Debra's all foaming at the mouth.
Frank: Wait a minute, this is bad news for me. Anything that puts the missus in a worse mood than usual puts me in the dumper. Who's gonna feed me if this happens? Debra? That's no kind of life. How's Amy's cooking?
Ray: I don't know. It's good, I guess.
Frank: Still, that's a 10-minute drive. You've got to shut this down, Ray.
Frank: How are they gonna pull it off?
Ray: It's already started. They're planning a big throw-down, Iaying out the new order, and everybody's equal... Iove all around, peace and harmony.
Frank: Those stupid broads.

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