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Quote from Ray in Separation

Debra: I hate my mother.
Ray: Oh, no, you don't. How do you know this is your mother's fault?
Debra: It's her fault. She's so... Why is she doing this? I mean, my parents being together. I mean, I have counted on that my whole life. Through school and college and then struggling after college. And, you know, when I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going, at least I had... Their marriage was like a rock, the one solid rock for me.
Ray: Well, maybe it was more like a stone, okay? And now it has passed.
Debra: That's enough. That's just enough.
Ray: What did I do?
Debra: You can't have a real conversation. You gotta be funny. Idiot.
Ray: It wasn't that funny! Hey, no, come on, look, I'm trying to be understanding here, okay? I'm not the one who said "idiot," all right? But I'm willing to overlook it because I understand. You're the child of a broken home.

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