Quote from Robert in The Lone Barone
Robert: I don't need any more advice, okay? I have my own reasons for not wanting to get married just yet. Marie: All right, what? Robert: You really want to know, Ma? Part of it is I've lived with you for most of my life. I've never been on my own. And I finally get my own place and Amy is already bringing me plants. I love Amy, but I'm not ready for plants. Marie: I think you're being selfish, Robby. Robert: Good! It's about time. 'Cause this is my life. Not yours, not yours, not yours and not even Raymond's. Raymond had nothing to do with this decision. I made it. Me! And if you think I made a mistake, I don't care. That's right, because I'm in charge of me now. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going home. To my home. The Crown view Apartments, unit 9-F. It still says Chung on the buzzer downstairs, but that's me.