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Quote from Ray in The Faux Pas

Marie: Who is this Chris? Have I met him?
Debra: Oh, he's adorable. His dad works at the school.
Amy: Oh, yeah? What subject does he teach?
Debra: Uh, he's not a teacher. Actually, he's the custodian.
Ray: Oh, really? I didn't know that. Ah, that's funny.
Robert: Why?
Ray: No, no. 'Cause, uh we were eating peanuts and I looked down, and little Chris had all the shells on his lap.
And I said, "Hey, Chris, you can throw those on the floor. That's what they pay the janitor for." [Debra, Marie & Amy gasp]
Marie: Oh, my God! Raymond, how could you?
Ray: What?
Debra: Oh, my God, Ray, what are you thinking? That poor boy must be devastated.

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