Ray: All right. All right, all right. I'm sorry. George, I said something stupid, and I'm sorry. I am. I'm very very sorry.
George: Hey, it's okay, man. Let's- Let's really just forget about it. Please?
Debra: Thank you, George. Ray, go upstairs and help Chris find his retainer so George can get out of here.
Ray: Okay. But I've been thinking of something, though. No. No, no, no. Because maybe, yes, it it seems I was a little insensitive. But, actually, that thing at the game today "Hey, you can throw your shells on the floor. That's what they pay the janitor for." I was just stating a fact, right? I mean, it's true, isn't it? It's like this I'm a sportswriter, right? So the next time you're cleaning up something and your kids are with you, and a sporting event goes by, and one of your kids says, "Hey, I should write about that." Then you can say, "No, you don't have to. That's what they pay the sportswriter for." You see? It's the same thing sportswriter, janitor. Custodian! I'm very sorry!