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Quote from Frank in The Faux Pas

Marie: What about the time you worked for the Pelk Accounting?
Frank: Oh, yeah, that was funny. Yeah, hey, I walk into work one morning and there's this huge lady sitting at one of the other guy's desks, working the phones. So I go over to Irv Lebrotte and I say, "Hey, who's that big, fat moose over there?" He smiles at me and says, "That's my mom."
Debra: Oh my God, Frank, what did you say?
Frank: Well, I was pretty quick on my feet back then, so I said, uh, "What do you feed her?" And I walked away.
Marie: You're unbelievable, Frank. Whenever I take him anywhere, I wanna give out cards that say "I'm sorry" on them.
Frank: My cards say "Wife for sale." The phone ain't ringing.

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