Quote from Debra in No Thanks
Ray: If you gobble, then she'll get bored, and she'll just leave you alone. Debra: Thanks. Ray: "Oh, Debra, I envy you, the way you can just roll out of bed and put on anything and not even care." "Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble." Debra: You know what? You might be right. Ray: What? Debra: Everything I told Ally about pretending it doesn't bother her, why haven't I tried that with your mother? Ray: Because that's how you deal with children. Yeah, okay but normal children. This one's big and a little off her nut. Debra: No, no. Every time Marie says something mean or insulting, I get mad. Maybe that's why she keeps doing it. I should just change the way I react to her. God, that's in every book. Ray: [scoffs] Books. There's nothing wrong with how you react. Debra: Ray, I wanted to hit her with a frying pan. Ray: Get in line.