Julius Quote #149
Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates a Liar
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father never spent money on himself, so to get the things he liked, he used trading stamps. These weren't the kind of stamps you put on an envelope. They were the kind of stamps you put in books and could redeem for stuff that you'd never buy with cash. Like a bumper pool table. Electro energy ball. My father wished he could use trading stamps to pay for everything.
[fantasy: Julius and Rochelle are in a hospital room where Chris is bed:]
Doctor: He needs a new heart.
Rochelle: Is it in the catalog?
Julius: 85,000 stamps.
Doctor: Get that boy into surgery.
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates a Liar’ Quotes
Quote from Julius
Chris: [licks a stamp for Julius] Can we use the sponge instead?
Julius: You know how much a sponge costs?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Less than a new tongue.
Julius: [accidentally tears a stamp] That's one cent worth of stamp. Chris, give me the tape.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] What my father didn't realize was that I had to use two cents' worth of tape to repair one cent worth of stamp.
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Chris!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Uh-oh.
Rochelle: Why is Miss Clarkson talking about? Boy, turn around before I smack a face onto the back of your head.
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Why is Miss Clarkson talking about you in her house with Tasha, and it's all over the neighborhood? I do not appreciate the whole neighborhood knowing something about my child, and I'm the last to find out.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother hated being the last to find out about anything.
[flashback to Rochelle entering the living room:]
All: Surprise! [party horns]
Rochelle: Why am I the last to know?
[flashback to Rochelle and Julius in a doctor's office:]
Doctor: Congratulations. You're pregnant.
Julius: That's great!
Rochelle: Pregnant?! Well, why am I the last to know? [turns around to reveal a baby bump]