Greg Quote #42
Quote from Greg in Everybody Hates the Class President
Chris: I want you to run with me. I want you to be my vice president.
Greg: No.
Chris: Yeah.
Greg: Oh, man. This is great. I can work behind the scenes. I can influence the judiciary committee. I can confer with the joint chiefs. Create policy!
Chris: Greg, it's the eighth grade.
Greg: I know, but this is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That was until he met Seven of Nine at a Trekkie convention.
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates the Class President’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Baby, what do you have to be stressed out about? You have a beautiful wife, two good jobs, and three wonderful kids, a nice home in Bed-Stuy... [chuckles] You're stressed? I mean, I'm the one who should be stressed. I mean, I got to deal with a house in the ghetto, three crazy kids, a man that's never home, and now I got to deal with you and this high blood pressure. [scoffing] You- You're stressed.
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: [on the phone] Yes, that's one bedroom at $425 a month. Rochelle with two "L"s. All right, thank you.
Julius: Where are you going?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The biggest change for my mother was that she decided to do something she hadn't done in years, keep a job. Normally, she would do this.
[flashback to Rochelle directing traffic:]
Rochelle: [whistle blows] Come on! Let's go! Move this ugly car out the way! Hey...! What in the hell are you doing?! I don't need this mess! My man has two jobs! Two!
Quote from Greg
Chris: I don't want to run without you, and together, we can't win.
Greg: Who cares? Run with DiPaolo. Let me be your campaign manager.
Chris: Campaign manager?
Greg: Yeah. We can do this. I'll manipulate the press corps. I'll contact the foreign media outlets.
Chris: Greg? It's the eighth grade.