Tonya Quote #137

Quote from Tonya in Everybody Hates Drew

Tonya: Daddy, do you have a girlfriend?
Julius: What?!
Rochelle: Well?
Julius: No! Why would you ask me a question like that, baby?
Tonya: 'Cause men ain't no good.
Julius: Where did you hear that?
Tonya: At the beauty shop.


 ‘Everybody Hates Drew’ Quotes

Quote from Rochelle

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even though it was an accident, after breaking Drew's hand, I fell horrible.
Rochelle: I'm gone for ten minutes, and y'all are breaking bones. I knew that karate class wasn't a good idea.
Julius: Rochelle, it was an accident, just boys being boys.
Rochelle: Do you even know what they're teaching Chris down there? Where were you when this happened?
Julius: Asleep.
Rochelle: Mm.
Julius: What's that supposed to mean?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] "Mm" means she's gonna blame him for the rest of his life.
[flash-forward to 2028:]
Rochelle: Asleep again, huh? That's how Chris broke Drew's hand.
Julius: Rochelle, that was 45 years ago.
Rochelle: Mmm-hmm.
Julius: Don't worry about it. I'll deal with it. I'll go down there tomorrow.
Rochelle: Mmm-hmm.

Quote from Rochelle

Julius: She's ten years old. Why I got to spend money getting her hair done?
Rochelle: She's tender-headed, she moves around too much, and she keeps getting burned. And I'm sick of this. So, either you pay to get it done, or you do it.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If my father didn't want to do something, my mother got to decide how it would get done.
[flashback to the kitchen:]
Julius: Why you cooking biscuits and ribs for breakfast?
Rochelle: You gonna do it?
Julius: Go ahead.
[flashback to the bathroom:]
Julius: Why are you cleaning the tub with a broom?
Rochelle: Are you gonna do it?
Julius: Go ahead.

Quote from Julius

Julius: Baby, what happened?
Tonya: Mama burned me with the hot comb again.
Julius: Oh, let Daddy see. Ooh! Rochelle, that looks bad.
Rochelle: Ah, she'll live. I don't think it'll make a scar.
Julius: Yeah, but that's 18 cents worth of butter she's holding on her forehead.