Adult Chris Quote #35
Quote from Adult Chris in Everybody Hates Fat Mike
Adult Chris: [v.o.] There were hundreds of kids on my block, but only four fathers. There was Mr. Jenkins. He had all girls, so he was always screaming.
Mr. Jenkins: Hey! Hey! You boys get away from my daughter.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Mr. Parrish's wife cheated on him, so he was always checking to see if his kids looked like him. He was the first man in Bed-Stuy to get a DNA test. Mr. Hutchins had two grown sons who wouldn't move out. They're holding out like, "Last one dies get's the apartment." And there's my dad, Julius. Because unemployment was so high, the dads all knew each other, 'cause they were the only men going to work in the morning. Between these four dads, they had 16 jobs and worked 492 hours a week!
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates Fat Mike’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Adult Chris: [v.o.] As much as my mother complains about housework, she hated to have somebody else do it. And after my father got his job back, she got to do one of the things she does best...
[cut to Rochelle in the office:]
Rochelle: File your own damn papers. I do not need this. My husband has two jobs.
Quote from Rochelle
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I didn't know Fat Mike's real name, I didn't know where he lived. All I knew was, I had to get my bike back, because if I didn't...
Tonya: Mama, where's Chris?
Rochelle: Somebody stole his bike after I told him not to let anybody ride it. So I smacked him into next week.
Drew: I told you.
Rochelle: He'll be back on Tuesday.
Quote from Rochelle
Julius: Rochelle, I feel bad enough about not working. I don't need you around here complaining about how I do things.
Rochelle: Well, if you did things right, I wouldn't have complain.
Julius: Half the stuff around here I do better than you. It ain't that hard.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father was the oldest of ten brothers and sisters. He had been cooking and cleaning all of his life. But even if the job wasn't that hard, he's not supposed to say it.
Rochelle: What? You got something to say?
Announcer: [over title card] WARNING! The following scene contains language of a frank and explicit nature.
Viewer discretion is advised.
Rochelle: Well, ain't this about a bitch?! [glass shattering] Are you crazy?! You do my job for one day. [glass shattering] And I make that damn hard! You baking, frying, biscuit-baking, pancake-making, bald-headed bastard!
[one hour later:]
Rochelle: You must think I'm crazy! [glass shattering] You can kiss my ain't-that-hard... [loud thudding] Have you lost your mind?!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] And that was my mother's way of letting him off easy.