Chris Quote #10
Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Basketball
Coach Brady: I know you probably play up at the courts in Harlem.
Chris: Uh, no, I'm from Bed-Stuy.
Coach Brady: They're different? Look, we were five and 20 last season, but with you... I'm asking you, give my program a shot.
Chris: Give your program a shot? I can't play.
Coach Brady: Yeah, right. Look, kid, I'm not blind.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I tried to play basketball once. But I sucked.
Chris: Ball! Ball! Ball! [Drew throws the basketball to Chris, hitting him in the head]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I sucked at every sport I tried. Baseball. [Chris gets hit in the head] Football. [Chris gets hit in the head] Like a fool, I even tried bowling. [A bowling ball hits Chris in the head]
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates Basketball’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: That man is not from Philly. People from Philly don't shut up about Philly. All they want to talk about is cheese steaks and Bill Cosby and Patti LaBelle. Mm-hmm. Who you know from Philly don't want to talk about Patti LaBelle? "Patti LaBelle this, Patti LaBelle that."
Quote from Adult Chris
Rochelle: Julius, go up there and see what that man is doing.
Julius: Why don't you leave that man alone? I'm just trying to lay down for a few minutes before I go back to work.
Rochelle: Look, if I'm not getting any sleep, you're not getting any sleep.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Now, that was mean. Taking sleep from my father was like taking ignorance from a rapper.
Quote from Greg
Ms. Martella: Good morning, gentlemen.
Chris: [to Greg] What was that?
Greg: We got a social studies quiz.
Chris: How do you know? All she said was "Good morning."
Greg: Trust me on this, man. The word is, she only speaks to the students when she's giving them a pop quiz. I got to warn the others so we can study.