Drew Quote #127
Quote from Drew in Everybody Hates PSATs
Boy: When Americans talk about dance, it's always Michael Jackson, but I think that if more people were to see Baryshnikov, they would feel differently.
Drew: Oh, really? Well, a lot of people saw him dance in White Nights and they're still talking about Michael Jackson. I'm more of a Boogaloo Shrimp fan myself.
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates PSATs’ Quotes
Quote from Julius
Man: So we all bought houses on the Vineyard. Ah, let me tell you, weekends at the Inkwell in the summer are amazing.
Julius: Oh, really? So you bought another house, in another state, so you can get in the car with your wife and kids and drive eight hours so you can hang out with the same people you hang out with during the week? That is amazing.
Quote from Julius
Julius: Did you see this?
Rochelle: "Congratulations. You have won a free 27-inch color TV." What is this, a scam?
Julius: No, it's legit. I called. They said I just have to come down and pick it up.
Rochelle: What, did you buy a raffle ticket or something?
Julius: Not that I can remember. But I enter every contest I see.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] He once entered a contest to win a free contest.
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Hansel and Gretel is a social organization made up of successful Black families. You know, the upper crust of the Black community.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] We were just the crust.
Julius: How are we supposed to get in?
Rochelle: Well, we're successful in our own way. I mean each of us has something that we can be proud of.
Tonya: I'm not pregnant.
Drew: I'm not on drugs.
Chris: I'm not in a gang.
Julius: I actually know where all my kids are.
Rochelle: See, baby, we're almost perfect.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] We're damn near White.