Julius Quote #153
Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates a Liar
Julius: This is a nice canoe.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] 100,000 more stamps and we could get a river.
Rochelle: Julius, where you plan on putting this canoe?
Julius: I don't know. Somewhere.
[When the family get out of the car, the canoe has been taken from the roof of the car:]
Chris: Where's the canoe?
Tonya: How did they untie it?
Drew: When did they take it?
Rochelle: They wouldn't have taken a refrigerator.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The next week, that's exactly how they stole our new refrigerator.
Julius: That's 4,652 books worth of stamps!
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates a Liar’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Chris!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Uh-oh.
Rochelle: Why is Miss Clarkson talking about? Boy, turn around before I smack a face onto the back of your head.
Quote from Julius
Chris: [licks a stamp for Julius] Can we use the sponge instead?
Julius: You know how much a sponge costs?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Less than a new tongue.
Julius: [accidentally tears a stamp] That's one cent worth of stamp. Chris, give me the tape.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] What my father didn't realize was that I had to use two cents' worth of tape to repair one cent worth of stamp.
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Why is Miss Clarkson talking about you in her house with Tasha, and it's all over the neighborhood? I do not appreciate the whole neighborhood knowing something about my child, and I'm the last to find out.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother hated being the last to find out about anything.
[flashback to Rochelle entering the living room:]
All: Surprise! [party horns]
Rochelle: Why am I the last to know?
[flashback to Rochelle and Julius in a doctor's office:]
Doctor: Congratulations. You're pregnant.
Julius: That's great!
Rochelle: Pregnant?! Well, why am I the last to know? [turns around to reveal a baby bump]