Rochelle Quote #189
Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Rejection
White Cop: All right. Another very important part of a Block Watch program is awareness, huh? And that's why you have these. These are stickers, and these are gonna in your window. These stickers will be seen by the offenders, and then they will be less likely to offend.
Vanessa: You mean steal?
White Cop: Correct. Nicely done.
Rochelle: Well, why she get a button?
Louise Clarkson: Stickers? You think that's gonna keep people from coming into the house and hitting me over the head, 'cause I got a sticker in the window?
Rochelle: If she wasn't so damn evil, nobody would be trying to hit her over the head.
Louise Clarkson: Excuse me?
Rochelle: You're excused.
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates Rejection’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Rochelle: Oh, baby, have a good time. But not too good a time, 'cause you know I'm not raising no babies.
Quote from Rochelle
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My mother was a ghetto snob, so to her, this wasn't just a block watch meeting. It was a Rochelle watch meeting.
Julius: What's all this?
Rochelle: Food for the block watch meeting.
Julius: You're supposed to be watching the block, not feeding it.
Rochelle: Julius, I can't invite people over here without feeding them.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] People in my neighborhood never got together without bringing food.
[flashback to Rochelle arriving in hospital to see a man in an entire body cast:]
Rochelle: Oh, I am so sorry you got run over by a truck. But I brought you some ribs.
[flashback to Rochelle going outside to a grieving mother standing by a chalk outline on the road:]
Woman: My baby! They killed my baby. [sobs]
Rochelle: I'm sorry about your baby. Catfish?
Quote from Julius
Julius: Enjoy yourself. This is half off on a soda and box of Jujubes.
Chris: Thanks.
Julius: Oh, what the hell. Here's a coupon for a free box of popcorn.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The last time my father gave away an extra coupon was when I gave him a get-one coupon, get-one-coupon-free coupon.
Julius: Have a good time. You look good, man. [chuckles] That's my boy.