Drew Quote #24
Quote from Drew in Everybody Hates Drew
Chris: I tried to break your arm on purpose.
Drew: How come?
Chris: 'Cause I'm tired of you being better than me at everything.
Drew: What are you talking about? I bet you're better than me at some stuff.
Chris: Like what?
Drew: I don't know.
Chris: Uh-huh.
Drew: But you're still my big brother.
Chris: Yeah, but you're bigger than I am.
Drew: Yeah, but every time Mom and Dad leave the house, they always put you in charge. I wish I could be in charge.
Chris: That's just a lot of work.
Drew: So? Plus, you get to go to school all the way in Brooklyn Beach. I wish I could ride the bus to school every day.
Chris: You do?
Drew: Yeah! That's so cool. Everybody in my class is always asking me what it's like at your school. You're the coolest big brother out of all my friends.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It never occurred to me that even though Drew was bigger and cooler, and better with girls, the coolest thing to him was that he had me.
Everybody Hates Chris Quotes
‘Everybody Hates Drew’ Quotes
Quote from Rochelle
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even though it was an accident, after breaking Drew's hand, I fell horrible.
Rochelle: I'm gone for ten minutes, and y'all are breaking bones. I knew that karate class wasn't a good idea.
Julius: Rochelle, it was an accident, just boys being boys.
Rochelle: Do you even know what they're teaching Chris down there? Where were you when this happened?
Julius: Asleep.
Rochelle: Mm.
Julius: What's that supposed to mean?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] "Mm" means she's gonna blame him for the rest of his life.
[flash-forward to 2028:]
Rochelle: Asleep again, huh? That's how Chris broke Drew's hand.
Julius: Rochelle, that was 45 years ago.
Rochelle: Mmm-hmm.
Julius: Don't worry about it. I'll deal with it. I'll go down there tomorrow.
Rochelle: Mmm-hmm.
Quote from Rochelle
Julius: She's ten years old. Why I got to spend money getting her hair done?
Rochelle: She's tender-headed, she moves around too much, and she keeps getting burned. And I'm sick of this. So, either you pay to get it done, or you do it.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If my father didn't want to do something, my mother got to decide how it would get done.
[flashback to the kitchen:]
Julius: Why you cooking biscuits and ribs for breakfast?
Rochelle: You gonna do it?
Julius: Go ahead.
[flashback to the bathroom:]
Julius: Why are you cleaning the tub with a broom?
Rochelle: Are you gonna do it?
Julius: Go ahead.
Quote from Julius
Julius: Baby, what happened?
Tonya: Mama burned me with the hot comb again.
Julius: Oh, let Daddy see. Ooh! Rochelle, that looks bad.
Rochelle: Ah, she'll live. I don't think it'll make a scar.
Julius: Yeah, but that's 18 cents worth of butter she's holding on her forehead.