Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates the English Teacher
Adult Chris: [v.o.] After watching The Invisible Man, I managed to do in a few hours what it was taking Greg a few days to do. Greg: So how do you like the book so far? Chris: Oh, it was great. I already turned in my report. Greg: Already turned it in? I'm only, like, halfway through the book. I've never seen you crank out a book report this fast. Chris: I didn't read the book. I watched the movie. Greg: Wait, what movie? Chris: The Invisible Man. You know, the guy drinks the serum, disappears. Greg: Dude, the movie The Invisible Man has absolutely nothing to do with the book Invisible Man. I don't know what you wrote, but whatever it is, you better hope Ms. Rivera doesn't read it. Adult Chris: [v.o.] Too bad I didn't write that paper in invisible ink.