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Quote from Tonya in Everybody Hates the First Kiss

Julius: Your mother's birthday is coming up.
Tonya: Yeah, in three months.
Julius: Right, and I want to throw a little party for her and I was thinking of inviting her friend Lance, but... I don't know...
Tonya: You want me to ask Mama if she likes Lance?
Julius: Yeah.
Tonya: Well, Daddy, I don't think I can do that. At least not for free.
Julius: Are you asking me for money?
Tonya: Are you asking me to spy on Mama?
Julius: It's not spying. I just want you to ask her a couple questions.
Tonya: Well, how come you can't ask her?
Julius: Because here's five dollars, that's how come.
Tonya: I'll take care of it.
Julius: Thank you.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Tonya made more money that year than my father.

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