Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Chain Snatching
Rochelle: Who were you talking to? Tonya: I wasn't talking. I was trying to see if I could to win tickets to see Billy Ocean. Drew: I don't know why you keep calling, you're not gonna win. Julius: I hope you win, 'cause I can't afford to buy them. Rochelle: No, who knows where we would get the money from. Julius: I know that's right. Rochelle: Too bad we don't have a credit card... Julius: I am not getting a credit card so we can buy some concert tickets. Rochelle: So you're saying you don't want a credit card? Julius: That's right. Adult Chris: [v.o.] I wish I could've told my father what was going on. [fantasy:] Chris: Run, Daddy! Run! She's being surreptitious! [Julius dashes away] [reality:] Rochelle: Oh, baby, well, I hope you win those tickets because we sure are not gonna buy them with a credit card. Julius: Pass the syrup.