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Quote from Mr. Omar in Everybody Hates Chain Snatching

Mr. Omar: The mailman left this letter for Mr. Julius in my mailbox by mistake.
Rochelle: Oh, okay. Thank you.
Mr. Omar: By the way, I was wondering if I could ask you a favor.
Rochelle: Sure.
Mr. Omar: You wouldn't happen to have another pair of pantyhose I could borrow?
Rochelle: Pantyhose?
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Borrow?
Mr. Omar: I need a new stocking cap for my hair.
Rochelle: Okay, sure. You can have these.
Mr. Omar: Were you about to put these on, or did you just take them off?
Rochelle: They're new, Mr. Omar.
Mr. Omar: Oh, okay, then. Thanks.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] I think he's disappointed.

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