Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Homecoming
Dr. Clint Huckstable: [as Bill Cosby] What is all of this ringing of the bells while I am eating the sweet potato pop? Mmm. [opens the door to Chris] Son, the homeless shelter's around the corner. Chris: No, I'm not homeless. I'm Chris. I'm taking Jenise to the Homecoming Dance this week at Tattaglia. Dr. Clint Huckstable: In that? Jenise Huckstable. Downstairs. Now. Come in, son. Jenise Huckstable: Oh, no. Chris, what happened? Chris: After we met in the hallway, this kid hit me with a bowl of pudding. Jenise Huckstable: Here, come sit down. Dr. Clint Huckstable: [mumbling] No, no, no. Don't sit down. [places a newspaper on the couch] Just in case that's not pudding.