Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates the Port Authority
Hustler: Little man back. You got some more money? Chris: No. Rochelle: But I do. Hustler: Who are you? Rochelle: I'm his mother, and I got $50 on that card. Hustler: I got a hundred that says that you're wrong. Rochelle: I got $200 that says I'm right. Chris: Turn the card over, Mother. Hustler: No, wait. Rochelle: Oh-oh-oh, wait! Now we wanna wait. I bet you want to run, too. See, that's my husband over there and that's his brother back there, so you can run, but you're not gonna get far. You got to ask yourself one question: Is today your lucky day? Doubt it, punk. Now give me my damn money back! Hurry! And the cards, too! Give me the cards!