Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates the Port Authority
Rochelle: Listen, when I was little, my father taught me all these scams. Three-card monte was his favorite. [flashback:] Gene: Honey, when it comes to three-card monte, you cannot win the game. Young Rochelle: Why not? Gene: Because I always know where the card is. But even if they pick the right card, I just keep raising the bet till they get scared. [laughs] Oh, too bad! Young Rochelle: But what if I pick the wrong card? Gene: Then I let you bet everything you got. Oh, tough break. [laughs] Young Rochelle: What if I don't want to play? Gene: Nobody ever wants to play. That's how come I got Rudy and Debra over there. They're shills. [present:] Chris: Shills? Rochelle: Well, they act like they don't know each other. So in order to get the game started, they best first. Chris: So him and her? Yeah. They're the shills. [flashback:] Young Rochelle: What if somebody bets on the right card and doesn't get scared when you keep raising the bet? Gene: Now, honey, this is a very important lesson right here. We run! [laughs]