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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Chain Snatching

Vanessa: Turns out, he had a whole other family.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's all my mother need to hear.
[fantasy: Julius arrives home to a Latino family:]
Julius: [Spanish: "Hey, Baby."]
Kids: [Spanish: "Hey, Father."]
Puerto Rican Rochelle: [Spanish: "How was work today?"]
Julius: [Spanish: "Good."]
Puerto Rican Chris: [Spanish: "May I be excused?"]
Julius: [Spanish: "No! You better eat that. That's forty-six cents worth of beans and rice."]
Puerto Rican Rochelle: [Spanish: "Don't worry baby, I'll put it on the credit card."]
Julius: [Spanish: "Oh, that's good, that's good."]

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