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Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Snow Day

Chris: Do I have to go to school? I mean, it's snowing like crazy.
Rochelle: It's snow, Chris, not Armageddon. Now hurry up. You know the buses are going to be running slow. Go.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Because my mother wanted us to get the best education possible, as long as school was open, we had to go no matter what.
[flashback to Tonya in bed:]
Rochelle: Ooh, baby, your temperature is 103.
Tonya: Can I stay home from school?
Rochelle: No. Just put this ice pack under your hat. You'll be all right.
[flashback to Drew vomiting in the toilet:]
Rochelle: Ooh, baby, I think you got food poisoning.
Drew: Can I stay home from school?
Rochelle: No. Drink this ipecac. You'll be all right.

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