Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Hall Monitors
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Since my mother stopped talking, my father started listening. Julius: How was work today? Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's all she needed to hear. Rochelle: You won't believe what happened today. Julius: What happened? Rochelle: Well, see, I was supposed to take my lunch break at 1:00, but then all of a sudden Charmaine decides that she wants to go at 12:30. Julius: 12:30? Rochelle: Mmm-hmm. She did it on purpose, too. She knew I was hungry and didn't have a break. Julius: And she knew that? Rochelle: Uh-huh. And not only did she take it for one hour, she took it for an hour and eight minutes. Julius: An hour and eight minutes? Rochelle: Yes. I told you she was crazy. Julius: Yeah, she's crazy. Going to leave at 12:30 for an hour and eight-minute lunch and you ain't had a break. Rochelle: See, that's what I'm saying. Crazy. Julius: What's wrong with her? Rochelle: I don't know.