Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Hall Monitors
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Later, I was thinking about Greg. And I wondered how my heroes would handle being a hall monitor. I thought about how Mr. T would handle it. [fantasy: Chris is dressed as Mr. T in the hallway:] Chris: I pity the fool who doesn't have a hall pass. Adult Chris: [v.o.] I thought about how Dirty Harry would handle it. [fantasy: Chris is holding pointing a gun at somebody on the ground:] Chris: I know what you're thinking... Was that the first bell or the second bell? Well, you have to ask yourself one question: do you feel lucky? Well, do you, punk? Adult Chris: [v.o.] I even thought about how the Terminator would handle it. [fantasy: Chris is wearing a leather jacket, shades and holding a machine gun:] Chris: No citation? I'll be black.