Quote from Greg in Everybody Hates Hall Monitors
Chris: Tried to give these guys a citation and they shoved me in the locker. Greg: I'm not surprised. I mean, just look at your body language. Chris: What body language? Greg: It screams, "Ignore me." Your shoulders are hunched over. You're staring at the ground and you sound like a girl. Let me have that. Chris: I don't sound like a girl. You hear like a girl. Adult Chris: [v.o.] And throw like a girl, run like a girl and scream like a girl. Greg: I'm just saying, people can hear the fear in your voice. If you want to give out citations, you have to give them out like you mean it. [puts a toothpick in his mouth] Chris: What is that for? Greg: It's my thing. Kojak had a lollipop and I got this.