Quote from Adult Chris in Everybody Hates Drew
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Even though I was the oldest, I never felt like Drew's big brother. People expect a big brother to be better at everything. Dominique Wilkins was the Human Highlight Show. And Gerald Wilkins watched a lot of film. Bill Clinton was the President of the United States. But Roger Clinton needed a presidential pardon. But with me and Drew, it seemed like no matter what we did, he always came out on top. Kid #1: I'll take Drew. Adult Chris: [v.o.] He was better at sports. He was better with girls. Pair of Girls #1: Hi, Drew. Pair of Girls #2: Hi, Drew. Old Woman: Hi, Chris. Adult Chris: [v.o.] She's kind of cute. He looked older. Drew: Two for Scarface. Ticket Seller: You can go. But your little brother's gonna have to see something else. Chris: But I'm older than him. Ticket Seller: You want to see a movie, or don't you? Adult Chris: [v.o.] I actually went to see Mr. Mom that day. It was pretty good. But worst of all, he was a better big brother than me. [As a bunch of boys play keep away with Tonya's doll:] Tonya: I'm gonna get my big brother on you. Chris! Go get Drew!