Quote from Rochelle in Everybody Hates Basketball
Adult Chris: [v.o.] When my mother wasn't working, sometimes we would rent out a room upstairs to make ends meet. Rochelle: Are all of these children yours? Woman: Um, six of them are. But I don't know where these other kids came from. Do y'all take food stamps? [glass shattering] Rochelle: Hey, hey. [cut to Julius and Rochelle sitting in front of an arguing couple:] Woman: I'm tired of this. We've been here 15 minutes, and you already acting up- Man: I'm never gonna take you nowhere. Woman: You gotta be... Man: Go comb your hair and brush your teeth. Woman: Comb my hair? We don't got no daggone brushes. Man: Why don't you go wait in the car? Go wait in the car. Woman: We ain't got no car. We took the bus. Man: Y'all take food stamps? [cut:] Julius: So, you work at the church? Preacher: [shouts] Yes! [sings] Yes, I do! And I just need a place, ha To lay my weary head, huh Not trying to pay more Than $300 a month, ha And all I need to know, ha Do you take ... [high-pitched] Food stamps?