Erin Quote #25
Quote from Erin in Episode Three
Father Peter: And you know, it became more challenging when I met this amazing girl. There was just this...
Erin: Connection?
Father Peter: Exactly. You know, made me question everything, doubt everything. Who knows? If God hadn't
sent me this sign, I might have even left the priesthood to be with her.
Erin: What if he didn't?
Father Peter: I'm sorry?
Erin: Send you the sign, I mean. Just for argument's sake.
Father Peter: Well, he did, Erin. You know, I could never abandon him now.
Erin: It's not true.
Father Peter: What?
Erin: We're lying. We've been lying. There was no smirking, no weeping. The dog's not even dead. He's living with Maureen Malarkey. None of it's true, Peter. It's all balls. But the good news is... you're free. We're free. We can be together. [Father Peter walks away]
Derry Girls Quotes
‘Episode Three’ Quotes
Quote from Michelle
Michelle: Christ, I feel a bit bokey. [Michelle opens the curtains]
Clare: Sweet sufferin' Jesus, it's the morning already! What are we going to do?
Michelle: Well, maybe we could start with calming the fuck down.
Clare: Calm down? We're still on William of Orange, Michelle! We haven't so much looked at the famine!
Michelle: We've got the gist. They ran out of spuds. Everyone was ragin'.
James: Well, I can't tell my rebellions from my risings.
Michelle: And whose fault's that? If your lot had stopped invading us for five fucking minutes there'd be a lot less to wade through, you English prick!
Quote from Granda Joe
Joe: You stay over too, son?
James: Yes, I did. That's correct, sir.
Joe: [looks at Erin] What, in your room? [to Gerry] Have you nothing to say about this, you slack southern shite? Look, love, I know the fella's gay...
James: I'm not gay.
Joe: But gay or not...
James: Who said I was gay?
Joe: ...he's still a fella. There's still a good chance that he's a rapist. I mean no offence, son.
Quote from Orla
Sarah: So what happens now, Peter?
Father Peter: Well, I think the next stage is Rome, audience with the big man.
Orla: Pavarotti!
Gerry: John-Paul II.