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Quote from Sister Michael in The Haunting

Sister Michael: [answers phone] You may speak. Oh, no. O-Of course. Leave it to me. [hangs up]
Clare: Is everything OK, Sister?
Sister Michael: My aunt just died.
Clare: Oh, no.
James: We're so sorry, Sister.
Sister Michael: Don't be, girls. She had been ill for a very long time, and also she was an absolute arsehole.
Erin: Well, if there's anything we can do.
Clare: Aye.
Sister Michael: The hospice want to release the body, but the house is a tip. The woman was a desperate hoarder. I doubt we'd fit the coffin in. Once you pass the border, it's pretty straightforward, but if you hit Gortahork, you've gone too far. I need it done by tomorrow.
Erin: Are you asking us to go to Donegal and clean your dead aunt's house?
Sister Michael: I'd do it myself, but... I don't want to.

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