Quote from Michelle in Episode Three
Father Peter: But sometimes, we want to believe in something so much that we willingly deceive ourselves. I mean, I know I've been guilty of that in the past. I wanted a sign so badly that it drove me to distraction, because it is the question we all want the answer to, isn't it? I mean, does God exist? I mean, does he exist? Does he? Or is your whole world built on a lie, Peter? James: Peter? Father Peter: Yeah. Directly before the weeping, can you remember what you were doing? What you were talking about? Michelle: I remember that James was being a dick. Sister Michael: Ms. Mallon. Michelle: I don't like to use that word, Sister, but it's so hard to describe James any other way, cos he's just such a dick. Father Peter: I don't think you're a dick, James. James: Really? Father Peter: Really. And you know who else doesn't think you're a dick? Our Lord. Sister Michael: For feck's sake.