Cliff Quote #785
Quote from Cliff in Teaching with the Enemy
Frasier: I want you all to know... I'm not blaming her. It's because of me that my life is in the arms of another man.
Woody: Uh, well, you mean "wife," don't you, Dr. Crane?
Frasier: What?
Woody: You said "life." "It's because of me my life is in the arms of another man."
Cliff: Oh, that's a- That's a Freudian slip there, Woody.
Woody: What's a Freudian slip?
Cliff: Oh, that's when you say one thing when you're actually thinking about a mother.
Cheers Quotes
‘Teaching with the Enemy’ Quotes
Quote from Frasier
Frasier: Just give me a minute to, uh, to brace myself. Uh, I know, I'll simply imagine the worst thing you could possibly tell me, and whatever your news is, it will pale by comparison. In fact, whatever it is, it... It'll be a relief. Okay, okay, uh... What is the worst thing I can imagine? All right, I've got it. Lilith, your news, please.
Lilith: This afternoon, in a moment of extreme weakness I cheated on you.
Frasier: That was it! That was the worst thing!
Lilith: Try to remain calm.
Frasier: How can I remain calm when you tell me you slept with another man?! You slut!
Quote from Frasier
Lilith: This is a very serious matter, Frasier.
Frasier: Yes, it is serious, Lilith. However, I will refrain from indulging in cliched reactions: rage, the crying, the screaming, the hurling of epithets: Tramp, whore, slut, floozy, bitch, ad infinitum.
Lilith: You did call me slut.
Frasier: Yes, but I didn't call you a tramp, whore, floozy or bitch. I have too much respect for you even though you have been a slut.
Quote from Woody
Carla: Can you believe this guy winning 12 million bucks in the lottery? I... I mean, talk about beating the odds.
Woody: Oh, yeah, you want to talk about beating the odds, my Uncle Spence fell 20,000 feet from an airplane and hit the only pile of hay for two miles.
Norm: Jeez. He must be the luckiest man on earth.
Woody: Well, not really. He went through the propeller first.