Dr. Frasier Crane Quotes     Page 53 of 53

Quote from Bidding on the Boys

Frasier: Well, my darling, to us.
Lilith: Thank you, darling. It's been a lovely evening. You've revealed previously unsuspected depths of romanticism.
Frasier: Well, Lilith, we have a whole lifetime of romantic evenings ahead of us, but for now, we've got to plan. We don't have much time. We've got to get the wedding license, have blood tests, see the lawyer draw up the prenuptial agreement, invite the guests...
Lilith: Excuse me. What prenuptial agreement?
Frasier: Well, wherein we decide what you are or are not entitled to in event of a divorce. It's merely a safeguard.
Lilith: You're already planning for the divorce? Have you selected my cemetery plot also?
Frasier: Well, assuming we stay together, you'll be right between me and Cousin Lemuel.


Quote from Bad Neighbor Sam

Rebecca: Sam, calm down.
Sam: I'm calm. I'm calm. I mean, just according to his lawyer, that horse's ass is not going to take down that brick wall until I pay rent on the poolroom. [laughing] Ooh, ooh, look what I did. I stole all his dinner mints. I know, I know, I know. I shouldn't have done it. Yes. I just let him get to me just a touch. It won't happen again, swear to God. [exits]
Carla: Ten bucks says he goes ballistic by midnight.
Norm: I've got ten that says 11:00.
Cliff: Well, uh, I'll take 9:30.
Carla: Hey, Fras, you want in?
Frasier: Well, I don't think that would be fair. I mean, I am a professional psychiatrist. Then again, it might give me the edge I need. I say by 8:15 he'll be spitting up blood.

Quote from I on Sports

Frasier: Excuse me, Dave. Dr. Crane here. If you're interested, I happen to conduct a little session for narcissists about once a month.
Dave Richards: My policy: only show up if I get an award.

Quote from Bad Neighbor Sam

Frasier: Oh, Woody. It seems that there's a a Monsignor, uh, Pilot, a very elderly French cleric, who was the one that took the photograph of your beloved.
Woody: Oh, well. Thank you, Dr. Crane. I- I feel a million times better. You know what I'm gonna do? l- l'm gonna- I'm gonna go write Kelly the best darned love letter she's ever had. [exits]
Cliff: There you go.
Norm: So, uh, some old French priest, huh?
Frasier: I have no idea. Apparently, Woody dialed the wrong exchange. Somewhere in Belgium, there's a very confused chocolatier.

Quote from Those Lips, Those Ice

Frasier: All right, I will see your nickel and I'll raise you a nickel.
Cliff: Too rich for my blood.
Eddie LeBec: Hey, honey, more chips and dip.
Carla: [o.s.] Right away, sweetheart.
Man: Hey, Ed, what's with the old lady? Why is she acting so nice?
Eddie Lilith:eBec I got no idea. She's been doing it all week. But I got no idea how a car works either, but I don't mind riding in one, eh? [laughter]
Frasier: Shades of the Algonquin Roundtable.

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