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Quote from Rebecca in Love Is a Really, Really, Perfectly Okay Thing

Rebecca: Sam, we have been friends for too long to let it end this way. And I just came back to say that I'm sorry I ran out earlier in a huff. And that I knew you weren't coming on to me, and that when you said I wasn't good, that it wasn't just some trick to get me back into bed, it was because you were being honest, because I am a lousy lover.
Sam: No, sweetheart, you're not lou-
Rebecca: No, Sam, it's all right. It's not like I haven't heard it before. I have to learn to accept it. You know, some people are bad at math. Some people can't skip.
Sam: No, no-
Rebecca: You're a fantastic lover. I am a dud and I know it. Robin just didn't realize it because he's English.

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