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Quote from Frasier in Love Is a Really, Really, Perfectly Okay Thing

Norm: Sammy would never withhold information like that.
Carla: No. He lives to talk about that stuff.
Norm: And we live to hear about it.
Cliff: Aw, it's a symbiotic relationship. Much like that between the shark and the tiny pilot fish that constantly swims around its mouth picking out the little bits of meat.
Frasier: I suppose you're now going to tell me that if George Washington had had a pilot fish, he wouldn't have needed wooden dentures.
Woody: Now you're getting up to speed, Dr. Crane.
Frasier: Yeah. Yeah. And then he could have, uh, swum across the Delaware to defeat the Hessians.
Woody: [laughing] No Dr. Crane, try to understand. It's only the president's face that changes.
Cliff: It's not like he grew fins or something.

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