Mr. Feeny Quote #108

Quote from Mr. Feeny in I Never Sang for My Legal Guardian

Eric: What do I get out of this?
Mr. Feeny: The joy of watching someone learn.
Eric: But no money?
Mr. Feeny: Eh, you get used to it.


 ‘I Never Sang for My Legal Guardian’ Quotes

Quote from Shawn

Shawn: At least at the trailer park I'll be surrounded by family. And the FBI agents who surround them.

Quote from Cory

Cory: We got a big problem with Shawn. This one goes way beyond pooh-berty.
Mr. Turner: You mean puberty?
Cory: Yeah, pooh-berty.

Quote from Cory

Cory: Good news. The duplex in the condo community, I talked them down. And look what they're throwing in, carpets. Now my advice is to go shag because it feels good between your toes.