Cory Quote #121
Quote from Cory in I Never Sang for My Legal Guardian
Cory: Good news. The duplex in the condo community, I talked them down. And look what they're throwing in, carpets. Now my advice is to go shag because it feels good between your toes.
Boy Meets World Quotes
‘I Never Sang for My Legal Guardian’ Quotes
Quote from Shawn
Shawn: At least at the trailer park I'll be surrounded by family. And the FBI agents who surround them.
Quote from Cory
Cory: We got a big problem with Shawn. This one goes way beyond pooh-berty.
Mr. Turner: You mean puberty?
Cory: Yeah, pooh-berty.
Quote from Eric
Eric: Aw, Mr. Feeny, I worked really hard on this. Where did I go wrong?
Mr. Feeny: I'd have to say the fifth grade when you took that ride in the dryer.
Eric: Yeah, but if it wasn't for that my hair would still look like Cory's.