Arrested Development Quote of the Day
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Quote from George Sr. in The One Where They Build a House
Narrator: And George Sr. made his case to the Mexican police.
George Sr.: My God, I was beaten up here. I'm telling you. I'm George. I'm not Oscar. I'm George.
Federale: The Cornballer.
George Sr.: Si. The Cornballer.
Narrator: George Sr. had marketed a device called the Cornballer in Mexico after the severe burns it caused led to it being banned in the U.S.
George Sr.: Why, did you have one?
Federale: Si. [men all show their scarred arms]
Recent Quotes
Friday, January 17, 2025
Quote from Maeby in Family Leave
Maeby: [on the phone] He turned actually out to be a teenager, posing as an undercover cop, posing as a teenager. It's hard to explain.
George Michael: No, that actually happened to, like, two of my neighbors at Sudden Valley.
Maeby: Well, they're not putting me in Sudden Valley. I'll tell you that much. That's why I'm here, picking up anything I left behind that might be incriminating. You know? Just panties, leggings, corsets, the sex knobs, and one of those double-headed bondage things with the curly choke leash.
George Michael: That's probably a landline.
Maeby: Ew, gross! She put her ear on that?
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Quote from Lucille in Whistler's Mother
Narrator: Michael got a message he intended to ignore. Until he read the next line.
Michael: A matter of land, Mom?
Lucille: Oh, that's funny. I meant "a matter of 'L' and 'D'" Life and death.
Michael: What is the matter of life and death?
Lucille: Buster's jaw clicks when he eats. I think it's what's driving his friends away. I sent him to Canada for an operation. So I'll need some of that new money that just came in.
Michael: You know, Mom, if you want an operation that's really gonna help him, you ought to have them finally cut that cord.
Lucille: He needs me.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Quote from Maeby in Let 'Em Eat Cake
Michael: George Michael, our show's about to start.
Maeby: He went out on his date.
Michael: A date? But we had plans to- A date with who?
Maeby: Some girl. I mean, she barely has a face. You couldn't pick her out of a lineup of one.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Quote from Lindsay in Whistler's Mother
Narrator: Back at the model home, Lindsay had decided not to take her stylist's departure lying down.
Lindsay: I'm protesting the war. There's a war going on, you know?
Maeby: Yeah, I'm the one who told you, and you said it happened ten years ago.
George Michael: Hey, isn't this the same sign you used to picket the cable company when they dropped the Style Network?
Lindsay: Actually, I used this one for Michael when he was too cheap to pay for the premium channels. But I added the bit about the stylists.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Quote from Tobias in Family Ties
Michael: Kind of remember these being faster, you know?
Tobias: Yeah, well, we were probably all so jacked up on amyl and disco music, we didn't notice. But you know what? I'm glad about this printer lag, because I was hoping to have a jaw session with you.
Michael: Well, why don't we just say as long as that means a talk.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Quote from Gob in Burning Love
Narrator: Gob had just blown up a car.
Gob: The next thing I know, I'm running for my life. And all I could think was, if something were to ever happen to me how sad I'd be, you know?
Upcoming Quotes
Sunday, January 19, 2025
A quote from Tobias in the episode iAmigos!.
Monday, January 20, 2025
A quote from Narrator in the episode Queen B..
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
A quote from Tobias in the episode Missing Kitty.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
A quote from Lindsay in the episode The Immaculate Election.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
A quote from Maeby in the episode Premature Independence.