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Meat the Veals

‘Meat the Veals’

Season 2, Episode 16 -  Aired April 3, 2005

Michael worries that George Michael is moving too fast with Ann, so he tries to torpedo their relationship by meeting the Veals.

Quote from Michael

Lindsay: Wait a minute. You invited the Veals?
Michael: Only so that they'll disapprove of us. I gotta kill this pre-engagement somehow. And after Mom's second vodka, and after Buster's second juice box, they're gonna forbid Ann from even seeing my son much less taking his ring, and I'm still the good guy.


Quote from Maeby

Executive: I'm sorry. I can't read what you wrote on this buck slip. You've got the handwriting of a 15-year-old.
Maeby: Fifteen-year-old. Marry me!
Jeff: Hey, I'm almost done with that coverage. I can bring it to you tonight. Are you still at the Balboa Towers?
Narrator: Maeby had used her grandmother's address so as not to arouse suspicion at home. This required convincing the guard she was several years younger than her age.
Guard: Boy, you get a lot of mail from that movie studio.
Maeby: I write a lot of letters to movie stars.
Guard: You seem a little old for that.
Maeby: Babysit me.
Jeff: That place seems so old for you.
Maeby: I'll send Dr. Epstein your compliments. And may I add, marry me.
Jeff: Okay.
Narrator: And Maeby realized she might be in need of a new deflection.

Quote from Gob

Narrator: In fact, George Sr. had just been picked up by his son.
Gob: Oh, great. It's stuck. All right. Just stay down and let me handle this.
Guard: Is that Mr. Bluth there?
Gob: He's got us, Dad. Come on out.
George Sr.: He's talking to you, you idiot. Cover.
Gob: [as Franklin] I ain't your daddy! How's it goin', brother?
Guard: You want to pop the trunk and roll the windows down, please? [laughs] I'm just messin' with you. Hey, Franklin. How you doin', little man?

Quote from George Sr.

Gob: How do we get her to the church? Tell her you're in here?
George Sr.: No.
Gob: Cover her eyes and take her to the limo.
George Sr.: No. You bring her in here, knock her out with this ether, and you stuff her into this garment bag. Anyone sees, you do the same. Oh, hi, Tobias.
Tobias: Oh. [sings in a high-pitched voice] Whenever I get a wee bit scared I hum a little tune Hum diddle diddly Hum di-do...
George Sr.: You put a handkerchief over her mouth for a couple of seconds. No more than two though. 'Cause you could kill her.
Gob: I don't have a handkerchief.
George Sr.: Fine. Put the ether on the puppet's lips. Have the puppet kiss her.
Gob: [as Franklin] I ain't kissin' that old bitch.
George Sr.: That's my wife, you bastard!

Quote from Michael

George Michael: Wow, it's really great you did this. I thought you didn't even like Ann. But since you do, I thought maybe I could get your opinion. I was thinking of giving her, like, a pre-engagement...
Michael: Ring?
George Michael: Ah.
Michael: Wow. That catches me off guard, George Michael. I'm not sure about that. I don't know if it's... I think it's gonna backfire on you. I think it could backfire on you because it's gonna seem like you're taking marriage, uh, lightly, you know. And you can't. It's very sacred. Sacred. Yeah. That's it.
George Michael: All right. Well, yeah. You know, it did kind of feel right to me. But, yeah. I've gotta trust you, right?
Michael: Thank you. Thank you.
George Michael: Damn. Maybe I should- Maybe I should ask if she wants to get pre-pre-engaged. Add another... [giggle]
Michael: The mere fact that you're laughing about marriage means that you're not ready, okay?

Quote from Lindsay

George Michael: I can't believe my dad. First he's saying I need to respect the sanctity of marriage then he's making out with her on the balcony.
Lindsay: I thought he didn't even like Ann.
George Michael: No, no. Mrs. Veal. Know what else he's not gonna like? I'm getting pre-engaged.
Lindsay: God, that's so romantic. The hell with him. [raises her foot] Take it. Take the sacred ring. Not the snake. That doesn't come off.

Quote from Maeby

Maeby: What's goin' on?
Michael: We're trying to figure that out. Apparently Pop-Pop kidnapped Gangie and I have no idea where George Michael is- or Lindsay.
Maeby: I just saw them drive off. They're gonna go look for Bland. Who's the hottie?
Michael: This is Ann's mother.
Maeby: Her? Does she look old enough to play Topher Grace's mom?

Quote from Tobias

Tobias: [high-pitched voice; British accent] Look at all the bobbies. Oh, no. My wig seems to have run off.
Narrator: On George Sr., as it turned out.
Police Officer: Who is this guy?
Lindsay: This guy is my husband.

Quote from Lucille

Lucille: Michael, what are you doing tomorrow?
Michael: Having my day ruined with whatever you're about to ask me to do.
Lucille: It's my wedding anniversary, and Oscar wants to throw me a party.
Michael: He is aware that he's not married to you, right?
Narrator: In fact, Oscar had started to perceive that Lucille was pulling away from him.
Lucille: Not now. It's my time of the month.
[fifteen days later:]
Lucille: Not now. I don't want to risk having a baby. It could kill me.

Quote from Buster

Narrator: So he went to Buster for advice.
Oscar: I think she misses my brother.
Buster: My father?
Oscar: Yes? I mean, yes. Maybe I should throw her an anniversary party.
Buster: Oh. So when he doesn't show, she'll realize that you were the one who was always there for us.
Oscar: Well, I was thinking one more party, and then I'd move out. But no. I like your plan better. The only problem is we know he's- He's around somewhere.
Buster: Well, he didn't return when I lost my hand. But you, you not only embrace it but I saw you kissing it while you thought I was sleeping. [chuckles]
[flashback to Oscar using Buster's artificial hand to hold a joint]

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