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Quote from Ava in Student Transfer

Ava: [bubble wrap pops] Hey, girl.
Janine: Hey, Ava. You know I can't just leave my classroom unattended like this, right?
Ava: It's five minutes. It's not like something could go wrong in five minutes.
Janine: A lot can go wrong, actually.
Ava: If you say so. Anyway, one of Melissa's students will be transferring into your class.
Janine: Really? Why?
Ava: Girl, I don't know. Things happen all day. Maybe she wants to be closer to the bathroom. Maybe she like you more. Maybe she got some kind of Meek Mill-Drake feud going on with one of her classmates. I don't know.
Janine: Maybe she likes me better.
Ava: If you really want to know, you should read her file. I have them arranged by sexiest dad. Her name is Courtney Pierce, and her daddy is "foine."

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