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Quote from Ava in Wishlist

Janine: Man, how does this have so many views already?
Ava: This is crazy. I said this is what I do. I feel like you went to the plastic surgeon for a nose job and woke up like, "Why do I look different?"
Janine: Why does it say #BelieveScience, #RollTide, #BelieveAllWomen... #LockHerUp?
Ava: You said you wanted eyes on it. [chuckles] ♪ And I got eyes on it ♪
Janine: "Luke 14:13"?
Ava: Ooh, what he say?
Janine: It's a comment about helping the poor and sad and lame and crippled, sent by... [whispers] @Gimme10Inches.
Ava: Now, she got a huge following. This is great. [chuckles]

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